Question: What is this class about? Answer: This is a travel course which spends a week in Vegas as a case study city to help students understand how business transforms culture and society by learning about the businesses and economic development taking place..  Along the way we meet many civic leaders and business people.  Typically we will visit all sizes of hotels and casinos, go to Zappos, a Bank, talk with a real estate developer, talk to the Convention and Visitor’s authority, the city offices, the Nevada gaming authority, and others.

Question: What are some of the topics you cover?  Answer: Economic development and its resulting concerns: Water resource issues, Traffic concerns, population growth; governmental issues such as resource allocation, tax structures, what sorts of businesses to attract; financial strategies of companies, brand management, effects of business upon cultural values (entertainment and fashion industries);  how has the casino and entertainment industry changed over the last 70 years, etc

Question: How many credits is the class?  Answer: 3

Question: How many Students Usually Go?: Answer: 9-14

Question: What does the class count as?  Answer: Business Elective, management elective, business ethics major elective, or General Elective (for A&S)

Question: What is the cost of the class?  Answer: $1000 fee which pays for hotel, van transport in Vegas, and organization costs (Tuition is included in 18hrs for undergrads.  MBA students pay regular per-hour rate for 3 hours)  ALSO you must pay for your airplane ticket. and most food (probably $20/day?)

Question: How do I apply?  You should sign up at registration.  You need approval from Gustafson.  andrewgustafson@creighton.edu  We do limit the number of students.

Question: Who do I pay? When?  You pay the $1,000 fee to the business office in Creighton Hall for the Vegas Class. Its the teller window on the first floor just inside the front door and to the left.  Check only– no credit cards.

Question: What does the course  fee cover?  Answer: Transportation and Lodging for the trip, a meal or two and organizational costs.

Question: Does the Course fee include airfare to Las Vegas?  Answer: No. Please buy a ticket which gets you into Vegas Sunday morning.  (Southwest has a nonstop leaving around 7am and arriving around 815am!)  We do a field trip from 11-4 that day.  Return ticket should leave Friday night after 6pm.  We have events on Friday.

Question: How do I meet up with the group in Las Vegas? Answer: On that first day Dr. Gustafson picks you up at the airport and brings you to the hotel.

Question: Do we have free time?  Answer:  You do have free time.  Each day we have some scheduled events, but you will have time to explore on your own.

Question: Is the class open to MBA students or non-business undergrads?  Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: What assignments are there?  1. We have some essays and videos you watch and respond to via blue line in January-February.  2. You do a book review, write a paper after the trip, and also keep a journal of what you are learning during the week in Vegas.

Here is last year’s syllabus: https://wordpress.com/view/lasvegaslosangeles.wordpress.com